The world of technology is complex. Each episode of TechSperience will uncover helpful technology, cybersecurity, cloud, and workplace transformation tips to help the everyday IT professional. Tune in for advice from leading IT experts covering retail, manufacturing, healthcare, K-12, higher education, and more.

Monday Dec 28, 2020
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Host: Penny Conway
Guest 1: Yasser Rasheed. Global Director (Enterprise Endpoint & Security Products) Intel Corporation
Guest 2: Stephen Nardone. Practice Director, Security Technology Solutions Group. Connection.
Description: According to the 2020 Harvey Nash KPMG CIO Survey, security is currently the number one priority across the IT landscape. According to the survey of over 2000 IT leaders before and during the pandemic, 41% of organizations have experienced additional cybersecurity incidents due to remote working. How prepared are you for the cybersecurity challenges that come from long term remote work?
Penny Conway, your host, is talking with the security experts from Intel and Connection about how to build a strategy to protect your data from now on.
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Key takeaways:
[1:43] Yasser introduces his expertise.
[2:30] Stephen talks about his background and the expertise he is bringing to the podcast.
[4:36] Three-step strategy on how to build infrastructure and keep it up to date for ongoing protection.
[5:14] Yasser talks about the quickly shifting environment.
[6:45] Stephen talks about the impact that remote work has on cybersecurity.
[10:24] How do you control multiple environments?
[12:29] Stephen talks about effective protection and response technology.
[14:30] Protect, Detect, and Correct.
[16:51] Aspects to have under consideration ahead of time.
[19:08] How is the protection built into the infrastructure of a device?
[20:22] First: Modernize the infrastructure, get the right device.
[21:05] To refresh and update is supercritical.
[21:55] Stephen talks about his role in building the right infrastructure and keeping it up to date.
[25:45] Stephen talks about the importance of looking for the newest technologies and processes on the ecosystem to help identify where the risk is.
[29:03] Ongoing education for the most critical threat that we have: the human end-user.
[31:15] Constant education is needed.
[33:20] Stephen and Yasser share their closing thoughts about how to continue the much-needed education in regards to cybersecurity.